Founder and CEO, medical research scientist, Amina

MelaVie is the vision of medical research scientist and skin health advocate, Amina. Her expertise in the world of medical research coupled with her personal skin experiences were pivotal in pursuing her biggest passion yet: developing inclusive skincare that connects body, mind, and community. 

Amina and her team have combined years of research and understanding of melanin-rich skin to create an inclusive beauty solution. A skincare line that specifically targets the skin health needs of darker skin tones.

Formulated with clinically-proven active ingredients to serve your skin on a cellular level. MelaVie delivers ultra-potent skincare for resilient, radiant skin and ultimately, greater well-being.

MelaVie combines only the best quality scientifically proven ingredients to heal and soothe your skin and give you the skin confidence you deserve.

“MelaVie was born from an intrinsic belief in skin equity for all and an innate desire to create a brand that represents women of colour. Supporting them with products and advice to suit their unique needs.”